With this feature, you can add synonyms to certain search phrases. These synonyms have to be added by an editor, there are no predefined synonyms.
In a “Synonym” table you can add a search phrase and some similar words. If someone searches for “car” you can create a new synonym record to search also for “vehicle” (implemented as an OR combination). You can add more than one synonym for a given search phrase.
You have to activate this feature in extension configuration first.
In order to add synonyms, please
use the “list” module of TYPO3
go to your search storage page
add a new record of type “Synonym”.
You have to enter each synonym in one line (divided by a line break).
The synonym feature works “back and forth”, that means in the following two cases:
If the entered search phrase equals exactly the search phrase of your synonym record. In this case the synoyms are added to the search query.
If the entered search phrase was found <somewhere> in the col
of synonym table. In this case if a synonym was found, ke_search_premium appends the search phrase also to search query.