Did you mean … ?¶
You can activate the feature “Did you mean?” in the extension
configuration of ke_search_premium
in the “Doyoumean” tab.
When the “Did you mean?”-feature is activated and a search query does not give any results, instead of the “no results” message either the correctly spelled word is displayed or a similar word. After clicking on that word, a new search will be executed.
This feature uses the open databese of Openthesaurus, talking to it through the Openthesaurus API.
Since Openthesaurus.de is German only, this feature makes only sense on german websites.
You have to active “Show individual text if no results were found?” in the ke_search plugin additionally to activating the feature in the extension manager.
Value |
Type |
Description |
Default |
LinkForXml |
Wrap |
This is the wrapping link which calls the www.openthesaurus.de API to get the result in XML format |
LinkForJson |
Wrap |
This is the wrapping link which calls the www.openthesaurus.de API to get the result in JSON format (BETA). |
ApiFormat |
Option |
With help of this selectbox you can decide if the results of OpenThesaurus should be received as XML or JSON. Be careful: JSON is in BETA status. But on our test systems we havn’t found any problem. So it’s at you to use JSON or not. |
Xml |
MaxDistance |
Option |
The lower this setting is as more equal is the new word to the given search word. A distance of 1 will find “auto” for “autho” but not “paaren” for “parken”. In this case you have to set max distance to 2. It seems that the max distance of OpenThesaurus API is 3. So it can be that we will reduce the distance selectbox to 3 in future |
2 |